The Australian Road Safety Foundation is encouraging residents
in the Sutherland Shire
to apply ‘life saving stickers’ to their wheeliebins.
The large stickers feature life-size images of children stepping towards the road and speed limit signs which are designed to provide a strong visual reminder to motorists. The stickers can be seen in the photo below.
It is hoped the stickers will help to
reserve an alarming trend which has seen the number of Australian pedestrian fatalities grow over the last three years.
“Between January and May this year
67 pedestrians were killed on Australian roads. If trends continue the number could reach or even exceed last year’s number of 165,” ARSF CEO Russell White said.
“We also know that the statistics show fatalities are higher on week days when over 82% of this year’s fatalities have been recorded,” Mr White said.
“NSW has recorded almost half the pedestrian deaths occurring in Australia in 2016 with 46.3 percent of deaths occurring this year happening within the state.
The Australian Road Safety Foundation launched the initiative in Queensland earlier this year as an education program. It makes the life-size stickers available at cost, $10 each, plus postage. Word has spread fast with orders coming from all over the country.
“We are also seeing Councils and corporate organisations purchasing the stickers in bulk to save their constituents or customers postage costs and encourage local use.”
Residents interested in purchasing a sticker for their bin can contact the ARSF hotline on 1300 723 843 or email
[email protected]
to arrange to purchase stickers.
For more information visit