SMOKING bans in Sutherland Shire will be extended to include sporting events on council ovals and outdoor fenced areas in council swimming complexes.
Smoking will also be banned at food fairs, bus shelters, taxi ranks and ferry wharves that are on council-owned land.
The new bans will also apply to prevent people smoking within 10 metres of a public park or a children’s playground and within four metres of an entry point to a council building.
The changes come in effect on January 7, 2013.
But the ban on smoking in outdoor dining areas will not start until July 6, 2015, in line with new legislation in the Tobacco Legislation Amendment Act 2012.
“The council felt the early ban (on outdoor dining areas) would place shire businesses at a competitive disadvantage, so the ban will come into effect at the same time as the rest of NSW,” a council spokeswoman said.
Initially, enforcement will be through education rather than punitive measures.
Source: The Leader