The Australian Mens Shed Association (AMSA) is a community-based organisation that’s accessible to all whose primary activity is the provision of a safe, friendly & healing environment. Men’s Sheds are a place of encouragement for all to take an interest in their own health and well-being.
Why not come and check out
Menai Men’s Shed
Car Boot Sale – October 22, 2016
This is fund raising activity by the Menai Men’s Shed with all proceeds helping this community oriented organisation grow and support the men of the Shire.
The availability of up to 50 sites.
Disability parking adjacent to the sales area. Parking for visitors and lookers across the road close to the sale area.
Opportunity to see work completed by members of the Shed.
Book your own space and turn those items in the back of the garage into $$$ and be part of the best group sale in the Shire
22 October 2016
9am – 3pm
35 Recreation Drive, Barden Ridge NSW
Book now: