Monday 10th of September 2012 held the AGM and General Election for 2SSR 99.7FM
The results of the General Election are as follows
Management Committee
General Manager | Trevor Davis
Station Manager (Program Manager) | Stuart Jones
Financial Manager | Robert Francis
Administration Manager | Robert McCubbin
Marketing Manager | Bob Birkhead
Technical Manager | Troy Murphy
Officers Attached to:
Station Management Committee
Program Officer | Rhonda Francis
Station Services Officer | Felicita Bird
Administration Committee
Public Officer | Rob McCubbin
General Administration Officer | Ralda Brown
Membership Services Officer | Pat Pender
Financial Committee
Fundraising Officer | Ann Worsley
Marketing Committee
Public Relations Officer | Clare McCabe
Promotions Officer | Gloria Gervasoni
Technical Committee
Technical Officer | Grant Dodds
Production Officer | Scott Farrugia
Training Committee
Training Officer | Dawn Cheater